Third Party SDKs

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ReticleOS Software Development Kits


With the Augumenta Interaction Platform SDK, enterprises are designing applications that are navigated and controlled with simple, easily learned gestures and use virtual data entry screens and control buttons that appear in the palm of a user’s hand.

The Augumenta SDK supports hand poses, gestures and a variety of virtual surfaces, including buttons, switches and sliders, greatly improving R-7 Smartglasses’ data input and interaction capabilities even in challenging operational environments.

EON Reality

Transform where, when, and how you learn with EON Reality’s AR & VR knowledge transfer platform and ODG’s R-7 Smartglasses.

This first of its kind wearable platform has been optimized for simulation, training and teaching material for workers in and out of the classroom. It can be easily integrated with existing learning management systems, data streams from industrial equipment and simulators, as well as blended video with 3D graphics.


Vuforia’s support for digital eyewear enables the creation of mixed reality AR/VR gaming and educational experiences for video-see optical see-through devices.


Wikitude’s customised R-7 augmented reality SDK allows developers to build “GEO" AR (identical with the location based AR technology behind PokemonGo) as well as 2D and 3D AR experiences. Utilize Wikitude's scalable cloud recognition service and its AR content creator, Wikitude Studio, a powerful tool to create, manage, and monitor AR projects and apps. If required, Wikitude’s SDK has the unique ability to recognize up to 1,000 target images without an internet connection.